Wyoming Roads - US 26
US 26

Eastbound through the Grand Teton National Park and Crowheart, courtesy Rich Piehl. There appears to be nothing wrong with the first assembly, it just shows how 3-digit routes fit in 2-digit shields. The second photo, though small, has an unmistakable curled 6 that gives away the wrong font being used.

The end of the long I-25 SB/US 26 EB multiplex near Dwyer, also courtesy Rich Piehl.

US 85 SB, taken in 1979 by Michael Summa. The detail in the numeral shows a slight gap, as if stenciled. Strange miniscule gaps show up on many numerals in this time period - see the main page for more.

Just after the two routes meet in Lingle, they bear left toward Torrington via this giant arrow, again from 1979 and courtesy Michael Summa.
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