Wyoming Roads - I-80

The shield above hangs on my wall.

You'd be hard-pressed to find any relatives of this westbound sign anymore, as US 187 hasn't existed since 1982. It was replaced by part of US 191, since 187 existed entirely within Wyoming. This photo was taken in 1976 and is courtesy Michael Summa.
The next set of 10 photos is eastbound and courtesy Lou Corsaro. I'll count for you.

You may still find an occasional old-spec Interstate shield, though the large size is a more recent innovation. I left the second photo dark just to make it more confusing - on a cloudy day with low sun, this may be the best that you can see it. Can you tell me what anything is on this sign? I happen to know it's a diagram of the Business Loop into Fort Bridger, intersecting WY 414, which heads east to WY 410, and then Business 80 continues to a junction with WY 413 before coming back to I-80. Try doing that without a map.

Around MP 90, enter the Green River Tunnel, obviously named after the town and not under a body of water. This may be the most scenic tunnel in the country.

In Rock Springs, which is big enough that exits are signed by road name instead of destination. This is certainly an old sign, though, so its hopefully upcoming replacement may differ. I'll miss the narrow US 191, and I'll probably miss the sign on the left because they'll be replaced at the same time, and the modern custom is to put one little down arrow over each lane instead of one big one for the whole freeway.
The rest of the photos except one are courtesy Michael Summa once more.

Button copy westbound at the end of the triplex with WY 789 and I-80/US 30, 1976.

The other end of the triplex, EB in 1985.

This triplex exists around the west side of Laramie. Note the smaller US shields as well as the 2-digit width of the US 287 shield. Taken in 1976.

Southwest of Laramie in 1981, WY 130 to WY 12 is the old route of US 30, and WY 230 hasn't yet begun.

Off Exit 323 in 1981. I wonder why the lowest point isn't commemorated.

Signs getting back on the highway from that same exit, same year.

Heading out of a truck stop near Cheyenne on old US 30, taken in 1981.

The one in here that's not from Michael Summa, this is courtesy Chris Pangilinan and heading WB. It's a lot easier to see weather in the West for some reason.
The rest of the photos on this page were taken in 1976.

Irregular shield size, as if the NORTH were moved from the right side and the arrow moved up, and then the shields replaced. Everything else in Wyoming that Michael sent me looks uniform (just look at the next photo up), so this is surprising.

Two of the four perspectives are captured, in Cheyenne.

Heading into Cheyenne.

Finally, entering the state from Nebraska.
Into Utah on I-80
Into Nebraska on I-80
Onto I-25
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