Vermont Roads - VT 139

Disclaimer: not MA 139, not ME 139.

Northbound across the 1934 Main Street Bridge in Richford. I was here at 2:15. Clock's broken.

Back south across the bridge, stealing looks to the left and right along the Missisquoi River. This clock is doing much better.

If you couldn't tell from the shield atop the page, this route is town-maintained. At least Richford gets it right where VT 139 turns at the north end of the bridge. The United Methodist Church is not down in the water or under the intersection, despite the arrow; it's the white building in the west Missisquoi River view from the bridge.

Town maintenance is saving this 4-way blinker atop the Town St./River St. intersection, seen from VT 139 NB and SB respectively.

One of the first signs south from Québec is in a very familiar language for visitors, and many decades past its due date. ("Stop required upon red lights on a school bus.") Usually these are bilingual at best, or else just done in English. I can't imagine this is still there.

Into Québec on 139
To VT 105
Richford (VT 139) Non-Roads
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