South Carolina Roads - US 301, 301/501
US 301 and 301/501
All photos courtesy Lou Corsaro and northbound.

The last photo is US 76 EB/US 301 NB where they would split, if the US 301 NB flyover weren't closed.

This is just west of the end of SC 38 at US 501; the I-73 corridor follows the former into the latter and continues toward Myrtle Beach.

Wrong (bold font), wrong (black backgrounds - and the spelling of Bennettsville), wrong (same, but at least there are some old I-95 shields). In fact, of these three NB assemblies in Dillon, the last is the most wrong, as it also ignores SC 57 (multiplexed with SC 9) and fails to point out that I-95 South is best reached to the left and North straight ahead.
Onto US 501 alone
To I-95 and the US 301/I-95 duplex
Into Georgia on US 301
Into North Carolina on US 301
Onto US 76
Onto SC 38
Onto SC 9
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