South Carolina Roads - US 17

The photo above and the two below are courtesy Lou Corsaro.

NJ-style shields on SC 544 EB, south of Myrtle Beach.
US 17 south of Charleston
~ Former US 17, Jasper County
US 17, Charleston
~ US 52 and Spur US 52 with photos of US 17 bridges
~ Spring St. with photos of US 17 shields
US 17, Pearman/Grace and Ravenel Bridges and north of Charleston
Alternate US 17

SC 22 EB with some very sketchy signage. There are so many things wrong with the design, including inconsistency between two adjacent signs, that I'll just point out the less obvious error - Kings Road should not be signed here. (The two "Myrtle Beach" lines are absolutely perfect, for what it's worth.)
Into Georgia on US 17
Into North Carolina on US 17
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