South Carolina Roads - US 1
US 1
Photos are southbound unless otherwise stated.

The next set of photos is on the SC 9 page (linked at bottom), NB on that route. US 1 being dominant, it drags SC 9 in the wrong direction through Cheraw before parting.

From the US 52 split down to SC 34.

After running through Camden with SC 34, US 1 comes to I-20 proper, no longer "TO." The routes follow each other in an odd-direction pair through the rest of the state.

Old-style shields in Columbia, though the second one looks like a city job. South Carolina now uses a blue shield with the state name written on top in reverse colors.
Looking back north.

Through Columbia with US 378, skipping the US 76 concurrency (see big link at bottom). Check out that huge cock!erel.
This could have been done so much better.

Across the Congaree River on the Gervais Street Bridge. Are those Masonic symbols on the lightposts? It looks historic, though unimpressive from the top, so I follow my suspicions down the east embankment...

Much more impressive from below, as I look back north toward downtown Columbia. On the west side of the bridge is the original stone abutment for the original bridge at this location.

Old shields in and beyond West Columbia, starting at State St. (SC 2).

US 1/SC 6 is the center of Lexington, with the courthouse on the south corner.

Batesburg-Leesville, two towns that merged and neither had the magnanimity to relinquish their half of the name. Here in Lexington, courtesy Lou Corsaro, SCDOT forgot the merger ever happened. Magnanimity. Try typing that off the cuff.
One too many junction signs. US 1 SB is facing northwest here.

With an old-style shield, SC 23 splits in that infamous Leesville to stay on the north side of the railroad on Church St. US 1 takes the south side on Columbia Ave. I thought one might have been an old alignment of the other, but they diverge west of Batesburg with no obvious former connection.

Just like at the top of the state, US 1 remains a Blue Star Highway.
Old distance sign, recently replaced, courtesy Lou Corsaro.

More stuff you've already seen, the third and last time these two highways cross. Photos continue on US 78, linked below.
SC 9 and US 1/SC 9
Onto US 76 and US 1/76
US 78 and US 1/78
Old US 1/25/78/278
Into North Carolina on US 1
Into Georgia on US 1
Onto US 52
Onto I-20
Onto SC 12
Onto US 21
Onto US 176
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