South Carolina Roads - SC 517

The photo above is on Hungry Neck Blvd. NB, courtesy Lou Corsaro.

If you want to cross SC 517 where it ends at SC 703, you will wait and you will wait quietly.

SC 517 WB and EB at Hungry Neck Blvd., since I love the name so much, courtesy Lou Corsaro. It's not just a funny name that puts the photos here - in the second photo, the street on the left should be Iron Bridge Drive, not Road.

When I came by in 2012, Iron Bridge Dr. had become Sweetgrass Basket Pkwy., probably related to its extension out to 6 Mile Rd.

I believe this Lou Corsaro photo is SC 517 WB ending at US 17.
Onto I-526
Onto US 17
To I-26
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