South Carolina Roads - Greenville
SC 20 NB at Vardry St.

Washington St. EB and Main St. NB at each other. Washington St. is SR S-23-1077, since SCDOT maintains almost every road in the state. I'm sure Main St. has one of these too.

Views from the west side of the 2004 Liberty Bridge, a partial arc of pedestrian bridge suspended sideways.

Starting across eastward, ending with a view across a chord of the arc.

Finishing my walk and looking at various details along the way.

The more notable bridge to the north along Reedy River is the 1910 Main St. Bridge, behind which is a 1990s-era pedestrian truss that replaced a railroad bridge in front of the dam. You may remember Main St. from my previous caption. I'm back on it in the last photo.
US 25
US 276
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