Pennsylvania Roads - PA 115
PA 115
PA 115 used to follow Sullivan Trail from Easton up to US 209 northwest of Saylorsburg, by which point it was called Wilkes-Barre Turnpike. PA 115 now begins at the former western end of the 115/209 duplex, and does indeed run to Wilkes-Barre.
Sullivan Trail comes in from the right and meets old PA 115, Knox Ave., heading north from Easton. Why wasn't 115 on Sullivan Trail? It crossed a mountain ridge in a rather curvy way, and Knox Ave., built later, did it straighter. So really, the road on the right is old old 115.
Northbound embossed signage on old 115; the rusty SCHOOL BUS STOP has lost its paint, and no amount of retouching will help it come out in this photo. The most interesting sign is the second one, on the duplex with PA 191 (still existing), since while embossed yellow warning signs are fairly commonplace - indeed, still made in some towns - there are very few speed limit signs left with the word "MILES" imprinted thereon, especially with this block font that dates the sign to the 1940's at the latest.
SB signage on current 115. Anyone else find it odd to be signing NB truck restrictions on the SB side? Maybe it's for planning the return trip?
To the Penna Turnpike (I-476)
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