Ontario Roads - Highway/CR 4

and Elgin County Road 4

A fantastic SB sequence on Elgin CR 4. Both the relatively new LGS and the ancient overhead BGS refer to the King's Highway that disappeared in 1998. Then you have the hospital sign referring to the bear-right as an "exit," the colorful local trail sign, and another old sign that probably also predates the decommissioning or "downloading."

NB from there, with the second photo on Talbotville Gore. This short road follows a gore line, or a place where two surveyed property lines diverged to leave a "no man's land" in the middle. It appears to have originally continued straight to an angled intersection at then-Highway 4.

Back onto CR 4, north to the intersection where it becomes Highway 4. At the same time, Elgin CR 3 to the west becomes Highway 3 to the east. So ignore that new sign, probably county-erected (also note the green county name and numeral), because it only tells half the story, and the more interesting half is the half with with a cut-corner 3 shield. (A couple of good signs survived NB and EB because the intersection signs there didn't need to be changed with the downloading.)

Matching NB and SB trailblazers on Highway 4, though I shudder to think these are a provincial job.

Still problematic, on either side of the SB "TO 401" atrocity. At least the colors aren't reversed here, but it looks like the same font creeping in, and definitely plenty of wrongness to the "TO" that's on the actual Highway. Ontario has few enough kilometers of provincial maintenance, don't cheapen it further! The EDR signs are standard, so my only comment is that it's rare to have two routes detoured at once, so this is one of the only times you'll see the sign done this way with separate plates for each part of the sign instead of everything on one panel.

Onto Highway 3
To Highway 401
To Highway 402
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