New York Roads - NY 357

NY 357

NY 357 was the original NY 7B. Back then it connected to NY 7 on the east end as well as the west end via a duplex with NY 28. All photos were taken westbound except the first one.

Embossed in Franklin.

If you're looking for old signs, the creek marker has nothing on the original Catskill Turnpike mileposts. Built as miniature stone huts, the mileposts had the distances etched on the red slate in the portico. This one has faded away after 100 years or more.

Into Franklin for some old signs and buildings, sometimes together.

Another old building in the Federal style that typified the late 18th century.

On the EB side west of Franklin is the only properly maintained milehouse. It was a fairly long turnpike (165 miles).

Turning off the most beaten path, this is looking east on Delaware CR 44 at East Sidney Lake, which was dammed up to cover the original path of NY 357. Thus the top of CR 44 and the road up to the dam are the old Catskill Tpk.

CR 44 SB/old 357 WB, showing off old cable guiderail from when this was still a state road.

A couple more stones arranged many, many decades ago, and that's the end of the route. But at least there's a truss bridge to gawk at.

Across the bridge, looking south and north, then facing the decision point. All of the good stuff on the old blue sign blazes the continuing trail of old Catskill Tpk., which went all the way on down to Ithaca. Its next turn is onto NY 206.

Onto NY 7
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