New Jersey Roads - NJ 13/Lovelandtown Bridge

Secret NJ 13

NJ 13 is a fairly useless scrap of state highway. On both sides, it is CR 632, aka Bridge Street, even though the eastern end of 13 is only about half a mile from NJ 35 in Bay Head - and original NJ SHR 13-E in fact once ended there (or was at least legislated to). Like NJ 59 and NJ 64, this road should die peacefully.

The western end of NJ 13.

WB across the bridge into Point Pleasant.

EB back toward Bay Head.

I want to live in that house.

Tremendous cables for lifting and lowering the draw span, and the building where it's all controlled.

I'd rather look out along the Point Pleasant Canal (north and south) than down at it. I understand why horses prefer covered bridges.

A couple of clearly state-constructed elements to the side of the bridge. The DOT utility cover is brand new, pre-rusted for a reason I can't fathom. Oh, I know, let's make sure our infrastructure starts out in bad condition so that it doesn't look out of place with the old stuff around it.

I don't know how stop lines work for pedestrians. I can't envision people politely standing in line for 30 minutes while the bridge raises and lowers. How do you turn your engine off without falling over?

The only numbered reference to NJ 13 is found on call boxes on either side of the bridge, clearly only intended for boat traffic.

WB and EB at Bay Ave., the eastern end of NJ 13. It appears that the entirety of NJ 13 is in Point Pleasant, though looking at where MILE END is, the eastern end may extend a tiny bit beyond the border.

The eastern beginning of NJ 13.

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