Mississippi Roads - I-69/MS 304/MS 713
I-69: It's new, it's short, get used to it. That's the message to Mississippi and soon Tennessee, where I-69 and I-269 are slowly coming into existence a long way away from the rest of I-69. It will take a lot of work and a lot of years to connect the two, and still longer to complete the vision for I-69 through Texas. MS 713 has been assigned to the I-69 southward spur from Memphis toward Arkansas, while MS 304 is assigned to the east-west roadway that will eventually become the I-269 outer beltway of Memphis. So there will apparently be a longish I-69/269 duplex, unless I-269 doesn't exist for the several miles that I-69 is on the beltway.
MS 301 SB and then turning onto I-69 SB/MS 304 WB. The South MS 713 half of the sign shouldn't look like it's shot straight on when the rest of the sign is on an angle. I'd also like to know what was under the South for I-69.
Again with patching of directions - I'm thinking the signs were just manufactured incorrectly in the first place.
Views of the I-55 SB loop ramp to future I-269 EB, of course not open at the moment.
All traffic is currently forced off at I-69, a mainline Interstate that follows a one-lane loop ramp to continue northward, while the I-269 future mainline heads east to a pair of stubs. Of course, the left half of the gantry will eventually be used for I-269 EB signage.
The future ramp from I-55 NB to I-269 EB, as seen from the I-69 NB loop ramp.
The junction of the future ramp from I-269 WB to I-55/69 NB, with the last photo looking back southward at that ramp.
I-69 signage disappears at the Tennessee border. It's supposed to continue around Memphis on existing highways and parallel US 51 on a new route. Until that happens, don't expect anything north of the border. Also, unlike Mississippi, Tennessee hates the state name. Can't exactly use the "hard to spell" excuse when you consider the comparison.
Onto I-55
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