Idaho Roads - I-84


All photos on this page were taken by Michael Summa in 1983 or 1985.

I-84 WB in the state capital, Boise, in 1985. The old signs are gorgeous (and less old then by more than 20 years), but there's another reason to celebrate - Exit 36 has since been reconstructed into I-184, which heads eastward.

This is the end of the WB ramp to US 30 EB/US 26 EB, both of whose westbound sides join on for a multiplex after this. Business I-84 goes through Bliss, while the brown US 30 is in fact an Idaho Scenic Route - all Scenic shields are brown, though most are Idaho state routes. The reverse color scheme seen here is now rarer than the brown-on-white usual, but back in 1983 when this photo was taken, it may have been the norm.

Eastbound at ID 50 in 1985. ID 50 heads southwest from here to US 30.

These were all also taken in 1985, on ID 50 eastbound. As you can see, ID 50 is signed as heading straight from here (turning north, then east, then north again toward Eden), but I believe that part has been decommissioned. Note the straight/right arrows used for I-84, certainly correct but unusual to see with an Interstate shield. Click on the second photo for a clearer version.

I-84 EB north of Burley, in Heyburn, 1985. US 30 EB multiplexes east of here, so this should really be NORTH 24 and WEST 30. BGS state shields are black on white, but regular ID shields are white on black.

ID 25 NB, 1983.

Entering Idaho from the east, 1985. Idaho, best known for eggs on hard rolls and magic tree stumps.

Into Oregon on I-84
Into Utah on I-84
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