Arizona Roads - Bus. I-19, Nogales

Business I-19, Nogales

NB on former US 89 in Nogales just after crossing the border in 1988, courtesy Michael Summa. There is only one street in the United States that one could take to have seen this sign.

A modern equivalent on AZ 82 WB.

NB from the end of I-19 SB, which happens because the Business loop ends by turning into the bottom of I-19.

Business I-19 SB makes a few turns in Nogales, starting at Crawford St., to zigzag its way onto the start of the freeway. It's similar to a different 19 - NJ 19 in Paterson.

The old City Hall is at the corner of Crawford St. and Grand Ave., the junction of Business I-19 and Mexico.

Onto parent I-19

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