Arizona Roads - AZ Loop 202
AZ Loop 202
Starting off clockwise EB (top of the loop), where button copy takes a while to get going. It's only on the bottom line of the first two distance signs, after all.
On both sides and at the end of the Exit 13 ramp, truly the hot spot for button copy.
Thankfully, the WB direction has preserved Exit 9 button copy, and those blue Loop 101 shields are worth the delay in sign replacement. It's Loop 202's fault for killing the colored shields by using a badly fading shade of brown, so it's only sporting to save a bit for Loop 101 who did nothing wrong. The last two photos follow the Exit 9 ramp toward Loop 101 NB, where there is well under half a mile to merge and weave before the next offramp.
The sign is at Exit 17 on McDowell Rd. EB, and I believe is button copy although it's disappeared from most of the rest of Loop 202 signage. The cliff is Red Mountain, namesake of the top half of the Loop 202 freeway.
A big ol' pecker on a new overpass, SB (clockwise) at Exit 24, McKellips Rd.
SB through Exit 30, with US 60 crossing underneath. The "Red Mountain Freeway" sign is visible below the Loop 202 shield, though the Santan begins shortly.
WB (still clockwise) through construction of a flyover from Loop 202 into the median HOV lane being constructed along Loop 101. Now that it's done, this new flyover actually connects to Loop 202's own median HOV lanes, which were barely a glint in the freeway's eye when I was there.
WB at I-10 (Exit 55), the end of the HOV Lane and the only visible construction for it in April 2010. As at Loop 101, this ramp's coming out of the median.
EB through the construction at the southern beginning of Loop 202. Both directions coming from Pecos Rd. are sitting in the EB roadway to facilitate construction - I can't imagine there's more traffic than a single lane using that connection.
Pecos Rd. EB. The "JCT" is unnecessary.
(Exit 9) to Loop 101
Exit 13 to AZ 87
Up onto US 60
Up onto I-10
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