Arizona Roads - AZ Loop 101

AZ Loop 101

I'm pretty sure the BGS's are on East McDowell Rd. EB. The blue shields, along with the brown Loop 202 shields and reversed Loop 303 shields, are being phased out in favor of standard-colored shields - blame the 202 shields for fading too quickly, though you can still see plenty around Phoenix, many of which are even still brown. Photo courtesy Matt Kleiman.

Loop 101 clockwise (NB-EB)

Loop 101 clockwise (SB)

Loop 101 counterclockwise (NB)

Loop 101 counterclockwise (WB-SB)

Cave Creek Rd. SB at Loop 101 Exit 28, on the same overhead gantry.

Button copy street signs over the Exit 50 intersection on the NB side.

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