Alps' Roads - My Signs
My Sign Collection
I've always wanted a Botts' dot (the little raised markers used in states like California instead of or in addition to lane lines), and almost brought one home from Hawai`i with me. Finally, the opportunity presented itself to get a genuine ceramic dot from old US 66 in California, which, even in three pieces (found asphalted together), is more valuable than from some generic Hawai`i parking lot. The dots now used in California are plastic to avoid cracking and chipping, so it took some work to even find one of the old style - they tend to be thrown into ditches on the side of the road.
Route shields
Guide and regulatory signs
Obviously from Pennsylvania, but their highway department is now PennDOT. This brass keystone went into the sides of bridges starting in the 1920's and ending decades ago. The DOH was absorbed by the DOT in 1970, for reference.
See Michael Summa's more extensive sign collection
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