Alps' Roads Alps' Non-Roads Contact the webmaster ![]() The Alps, courtesy Lou Corsaro. |
This site has been my baby since October 31, 2003. I've written all of the text on every page, striving for accuracy. Please use the big Contact link to the left if you find anything that's either inaccurate or could use further clarification. Almost all of the photos are mine, and as I grow toward 100,000 photos and beyond, it just amazes me that this started out with a few hundred photos in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, most of poor quality and not even road-related. In fact, back in 2001, I started putting material online without even an HTML framework, not sure why I wanted to bother sharing my photos with anyone, with cryptic text explanation files written in chronological order. (That made it very difficult to figure out where the photos were when I went to a location-based navigation system when I learned HTML.) So, to conclude this introduction, I would like to assert my creative rights over all text written on this site and over all photos that I have taken. For photos contributed by others and for support over the years, all I can say is Thank You: For the use of their cars: HNTB Corporation, Michael Bernstein, Lou Corsaro, Anthony Costanzo, Shawn De Cesari, Dan Garnell, Dave Grabiner, Doug Kerr, Matthew Kleiman, John Krakoff, Rachel Kramer, Dylan Lainhart, Adam Prince, Carl Tessier, Kelly W., Cullen Wassell, everyone else who has been to a road meet with me, and of course my parents. For information: Dave Bielski, Tim Brown, Barry Caselli, Scott Colbert, Chris Commans, Lou Corsaro, Shawn De Cesari, H.B. Elkins, Jon Foxart, Adam Froehlig, Dominic Ielati, LJ Johnson, Doug Kerr, John Krakoff, Charles Lamb, Jeremy Lance, J.T. Legg, Sean P. McCool, Dan Moraseski (SPUI), Adam Moss, J.P. Nasiatka, Alex Nitzman, Charlie O'Reilly, Lex Piccione, Brian Powell, Thomas Silas, Michael Summa, Mike Traverse, Oscar Voss, Jake Warner, Jeff Weiner, Dave Wisneski. For the use of their cameras: HNTB Corporation, Lou Corsaro, Matthew Kleiman, Kelly W. For photos: Steve Anderson, David Backlin, David Barnett, Mike Byrnes, Barry Caselli, Weill Casey, Arielle Catalano, Chris Curley, Scott Colbert, Bradley Cordiale, HNTB Corporation (and Kevin Sylvester), Lou Corsaro, Jeremy DeCarli, Steven Demetropoulos, Bill Donovan, H.B. Elkins, Bryan Farr, Greg Faulkner, Dan Garnell, William Gill, William Gresham, Sandor Gulyas, Vik Gupta, Geoffrey Hatchard, Averill Hecht, Christy Hodgson, Jason Ilyes, Costa Ioannidis, Meryl K., Ian Karlin, Doug Kerr, Matthew Kleiman, John Krakoff, Rachel Kramer, Jeremy Lance, Shawn Latta, Chris Lawson, Brian LeBlanc, Marie Lebowitz, J.T. Legg, Ian Ligget, Chris Mason, Sean P. McCool, Bill Mitchell, Dan Moraseski (SPUI), Adam Moss, J.P. Nasiatka, Mike Natale, Scott Nazelrod, Jeff O'Connell, Charlie O'Reilly, Steve Okonski, Chris Pangilinan, Rich Piehl, Greg Pniewski, Michal Polák, Myles Putman, "Roadgeek9", Anthony Simon, Frank Simon, C.C. Slater (for Michael Summa photos), Scott Sullivan, Michael Summa, Doug Swift, Carl Tessier, Mike Traverse, Dan Vincent, Kelly W., Jake Warner, Cullen Wassell, Frank White, Chris Eddie Wilson, Adam Zawodny, Jon Zois. Also, Douwe Osinga, for providing the map graphic on this page. Special thanks: SPUI, for introducing me to misc.transport.road and jump-starting this hobby. Shawn De Cesari, for having the car to take me around during my college years. Averill Hecht and Michael Summa, for contributing historical photos dating back to the 1970's. |