New Jersey - Paterson

Paterson, NJ

I've already written a page on the Great Falls area, but this city has plenty more to offer. Until the breakline, photos below head north along Main Street from Grand Street.

Starting at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, to a building that's very much no longer a theatre but certainly was at one point. In fact, it may have been two theatres. Everything about the old painted billboard is legible except for the name(s?).

Opposite sides of the street.

Suddenly, briefly, all of the buildings have a multitude of gawking faces.

Continuing north past the elegant 190 Main Street building to 162 Main Street.

Stepping away from Main Street, these old ads are on West Broadway and then Market Street as I head east.

This former public schoolhouse is on Market Street at Summer Street. Enjoy all the details from top to bottom.

See Great Falls in Paterson

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